HaproxyHasNoAliveBackends #
HAProxy has no alive active or backup backends for {{ $labels.proxy }}
Alert Rule
alert: HaproxyHasNoAliveBackends
description: |-
HAProxy has no alive active or backup backends for {{ $labels.proxy }}
VALUE = {{ $value }}
LABELS = {{ $labels }}
runbook: https://srerun.github.io/prometheus-alerts/runbooks/haproxy-embedded-exporter-v2/haproxyhasnoalivebackends/
summary: HAproxy has no alive backends (instance {{ $labels.instance }})
expr: haproxy_backend_active_servers + haproxy_backend_backup_servers == 0
for: 0m
severity: critical
Here is a runbook for the Prometheus alert rule HaproxyHasNoAliveBackends
Meaning #
The HaproxyHasNoAliveBackends
alert is triggered when HAProxy has no alive active or backup backends for a specific proxy instance. This means that HAProxy is unable to forward incoming requests to any available backend servers, causing a complete outage of the service.
Impact #
The impact of this alert is critical, as it leads to a complete loss of service availability. Without any available backend servers, HAProxy is unable to process incoming requests, resulting in:
- Downtime for users
- Loss of revenue and business impact
- Increased latency and error rates
Diagnosis #
To diagnose the issue, follow these steps:
- Check the HAProxy logs for any error messages related to backend server connectivity or availability.
- Verify the configuration of the HAProxy instance and ensure that the backend servers are correctly defined and configured.
- Check the status of the backend servers to ensure they are running and accepting incoming requests.
- Verify that there are no network connectivity issues between HAProxy and the backend servers.
- Check the Prometheus metrics for any indication of high latency or error rates that may have contributed to the lack of available backend servers.
Mitigation #
To mitigate the issue, follow these steps:
- Identify and address any underlying issues causing the unavailability of the backend servers, such as:
- Server crashes or restarts
- Network connectivity issues
- Configuration errors
- Immediately restart or redeploy any unavailable backend servers to restore service availability.
- Perform a rolling update or rolling restart of the HAProxy instance to ensure that it can reconnect to the available backend servers.
- Monitor the HAProxy and backend server metrics closely to ensure that the issue does not reoccur.
- Consider implementing additional redundancy and failover mechanisms to minimize the impact of future outages.