HaproxyServerConnectionErrors #
Too many connection errors to {{ $labels.server }} server (> 100 req/s). Request throughput may be too high.
Alert Rule
alert: HaproxyServerConnectionErrors
description: |-
Too many connection errors to {{ $labels.server }} server (> 100 req/s). Request throughput may be too high.
VALUE = {{ $value }}
LABELS = {{ $labels }}
runbook: https://srerun.github.io/prometheus-alerts/runbooks/haproxy-embedded-exporter-v2/haproxyserverconnectionerrors/
summary: HAProxy server connection errors (instance {{ $labels.instance }})
expr: (sum by (proxy) (rate(haproxy_server_connection_errors_total[1m]))) > 100
for: 0m
severity: critical