
NatsHighPendingBytes #

High number of NATS pending bytes

Alert Rule
alert: NatsHighPendingBytes
  description: |-
    High number of NATS pending bytes ({{ $value }}) for {{ $labels.instance }}
      VALUE = {{ $value }}
      LABELS = {{ $labels }}    
  summary: Nats high pending bytes (instance {{ $labels.instance }})
expr: gnatsd_connz_pending_bytes > 100000
for: 3m
  severity: warning
alert: NatsHighPendingBytes
  description: |-
    NATS server has more than 100,000 pending bytes
      VALUE = {{ $value }}
      LABELS = {{ $labels }}    
  summary: Nats high pending bytes (instance {{ $labels.instance }})
expr: gnatsd_connz_pending_bytes > 100000
for: 5m
  severity: warning

Meaning #

This alert triggers when the number of pending bytes for NATS connections exceeds 100,000 bytes for a duration of 3 minutes. Pending bytes represent messages waiting to be delivered to clients, indicating potential performance issues or bottlenecks in message processing.

Impact #

  • High pending bytes may cause delays in message delivery, impacting downstream systems or applications relying on NATS for real-time data.
  • Prolonged high pending bytes can lead to resource exhaustion in the NATS server, including increased memory usage and potential message loss.
  • It may indicate a slow or unresponsive client, insufficient server resources, or network congestion.

Diagnosis #

  1. Check the Alert Details:

    • Review the alert annotations to identify the affected instance and the current value of pending bytes.
    • Example:
      • Instance: {{ $labels.instance }}
      • Pending Bytes: {{ $value }}
  2. Inspect Client Connections:

    • Access the NATS management interface or use monitoring tools to view detailed connection statistics.
    • Identify clients with high pending bytes and verify if they are slow or unresponsive.
  3. Review Resource Utilization:

    • Check the NATS server’s CPU, memory, and network usage to ensure sufficient resources are available.
  4. Check Application Logs:

    • Look for errors or warnings in the logs of applications connected to NATS.
    • Identify any issues with message processing or acknowledgment.
  5. Network Analysis:

    • Analyze network performance between the NATS server and clients to identify potential bottlenecks.

Mitigation #

  1. Address Client Issues:

    • Restart or fix any unresponsive or slow clients causing the high pending bytes.
    • Optimize client applications to process messages more efficiently.
  2. Scale NATS Infrastructure:

    • Add more NATS server instances or increase resources (CPU, memory) for existing servers.
    • Consider implementing clustering for better load distribution.
  3. Optimize Message Flow:

    • Reduce the volume of messages published to NATS if unnecessary or redundant data is being sent.
    • Adjust NATS server and client configuration settings, such as buffer sizes, to better handle the message load.
  4. Network Improvements:

    • Investigate and resolve any network-related issues, such as high latency or packet loss, between the NATS server and clients.
  5. Clear Message Backlog:

    • If safe, purge undelivered messages for non-critical topics or queues to reduce pending bytes.

Preventative Measures #

  • Implement proactive monitoring for NATS metrics such as pending bytes, message rates, and resource utilization.
  • Establish alert thresholds and response plans tailored to your system’s load patterns.
  • Regularly test and validate client and server configurations for optimal performance.
  • Ensure adequate resource allocation for NATS servers and clients based on anticipated workloads.