
PrometheusRuleEvaluationSlow #

Prometheus rule evaluation took more time than the scheduled interval. It indicates a slower storage backend access or too complex query.

Alert Rule
alert: PrometheusRuleEvaluationSlow
  description: |-
    Prometheus rule evaluation took more time than the scheduled interval. It indicates a slower storage backend access or too complex query.
      VALUE = {{ $value }}
      LABELS = {{ $labels }}    
  summary: Prometheus rule evaluation slow (instance {{ $labels.instance }})
expr: prometheus_rule_group_last_duration_seconds > prometheus_rule_group_interval_seconds
for: 5m
  severity: warning

Here is a runbook for the PrometheusRuleEvaluationSlow alert:

Meaning #

The PrometheusRuleEvaluationSlow alert is triggered when the time it takes to evaluate Prometheus rules exceeds the scheduled interval. This can indicate a slower storage backend access or overly complex queries.

Impact #

If left unchecked, slow rule evaluation can lead to:

  • Delays in alerting and notification delivery
  • Increased load on the Prometheus server
  • Potential loss of Prometheus data due to slow processing
  • Inability to detect issues in a timely manner

Diagnosis #

To diagnose the issue, follow these steps:

  1. Check the Prometheus server logs for any errors or slowdowns related to rule evaluation.
  2. Investigate the storage backend performance, such as disk I/O or database query times.
  3. Review the complexity of the rules being evaluated, looking for any unnecessary or inefficient queries.
  4. Check the prometheus_rule_group_last_duration_seconds and prometheus_rule_group_interval_seconds metrics to understand the scale of the issue.

Mitigation #

To mitigate the issue, follow these steps:

  1. Optimize the storage backend configuration for better performance.
  2. Simplify or optimize complex rules to reduce evaluation time.
  3. Increase the prometheus_rule_group_interval_seconds to give the server more time to evaluate rules.
  4. Consider scaling up the Prometheus server or distributing the load across multiple servers.
  5. Implement a more efficient storage solution, such as(SSD) or a distributed database.