
PrometheusTargetMissingWithWarmupTime #

Allow a job time to start up (10 minutes) before alerting that it’s down.

Alert Rule
alert: PrometheusTargetMissingWithWarmupTime
  description: |-
    Allow a job time to start up (10 minutes) before alerting that it's down.
      VALUE = {{ $value }}
      LABELS = {{ $labels }}    
  summary: Prometheus target missing with warmup time (instance {{ $labels.instance
expr: sum by (instance, job) ((up == 0) * on (instance) group_right(job) (node_time_seconds
  - node_boot_time_seconds > 600))
for: 0m
  severity: critical

Here is a runbook for the PrometheusTargetMissingWithWarmupTime alert rule:

Meaning #

The PrometheusTargetMissingWithWarmupTime alert is triggered when a Prometheus target is missing for more than 10 minutes after startup. This alert is designed to account for the time it takes for a job to start up and become available for scraping.

Impact #

If this alert is triggered, it means that Prometheus is unable to collect metrics from one of its targets, which can lead to incomplete or inaccurate monitoring data. This can result in delayed detection of issues or missing insights into system performance. Additionally, if the missing target is critical to the monitoring of a specific system or service, it may impact the ability to respond quickly to incidents or troubleshoot issues.

Diagnosis #

To diagnose the issue, follow these steps:

  1. Check the instance and job labels associated with the alert to identify which target is missing.
  2. Verify that the target is expected to be scrapeable by Prometheus.
  3. Check the system logs and metrics for any indications of issues or errors related to the target or its underlying system.
  4. Verify that the Prometheus configuration and scraping settings are correct for the target instance and job.

Mitigation #

To mitigate the issue, follow these steps:

  1. Investigate and resolve any underlying issues or errors related to the target or its underlying system.
  2. Verify that the target is properly configured and scrapeable by Prometheus.
  3. Check the Prometheus configuration and scraping settings for the target instance and job to ensure they are correct.
  4. If the issue persists, consider temporarily increasing the up timeout or adjusting the warmup time to allow more time for the target to become available for scraping.
  5. If the issue is related to a specific instance or job, consider implementing additional monitoring or logging to provide more insight into the issue.