FreeswitchDown #
Freeswitch is unresponsive
Alert Rule
alert: FreeswitchDown
description: |-
Freeswitch is unresponsive
VALUE = {{ $value }}
LABELS = {{ $labels }}
summary: Freeswitch down (instance {{ $labels.instance }})
expr: freeswitch_up == 0
for: 0m
severity: critical
Here is a runbook for the FreeswitchDown alert:
Meaning #
The FreeswitchDown alert is triggered when the Prometheus metric freeswitch_up
has a value of 0, indicating that Freeswitch is not responding. This alert is critical, as it may impact voice communication services.
Impact #
The impact of Freeswitch being down can be severe, leading to:
- Disruption of voice communication services
- Loss of business continuity
- Potential revenue loss
- Negative impact on customer satisfaction
Diagnosis #
To diagnose the issue, follow these steps:
- Check the Freeswitch server logs for any errors or warnings
- Verify that the Freeswitch service is running and not stuck in a failed state
- Check the network connectivity to the Freeswitch server
- Verify that the Freeswitch configuration is correct and has not been changed recently
- Check for any resource utilization issues (e.g., CPU, memory) on the Freeswitch server
Mitigation #
To mitigate the issue, follow these steps:
- Restart the Freeswitch service
- Check and resolve any network connectivity issues
- Verify and correct any configuration issues
- Investigate and resolve any resource utilization issues
- Perform a rolling restart of the Freeswitch cluster (if applicable)
- Notify the teams and stakeholders about the issue and the steps taken to resolve it
Note: This runbook is a general guideline, and you may need to tailor it to your specific environment and setup.